Senin, 20 Februari 2012

The Effect of Microprocessor Devices on Our Lives


Microprocessor-Controlled Devices in the Home

What is a Microprocessor?

A microprocessor is a small CPU built into a single ‘chip‘ (see right).
Very powerful microprocessors can be found in PCs (the Core 2 Quad processor made by Intel is one example) but smaller, less powerful microprocessors can be found in many everyday devices in our homes.
Typically, a special type of microprocessor, called a microcontroller, is used in everyday devices.
In a single ‘chip’, a microcontroller contains:
  • A CPU
  • Some RAM
  • Some ROM (Used for storing the devices software)
Often microcontrollers also contain ADCs and DACs to allow easy connection to devices such as sensors and actuators.
(For more information about computer control systems, sensors and actuators, here).

Examples of Microprocessor-Controlled Devices

Many of the electronic devices that we use contain a microprocessor…
Some devices are used for entertainment:
  • Games consoles
  • DVD players
  • MP3 players
Some devices help to make our lives easier (labour-saving devices):
  • Programmable microwave ovens
  • Programmable washing machines
  • Home security systems
  • Mobile telephones

The Effect of These Devices on Our Lives
Look at the list of devices above. Now try to imagine living without them – washing your clothes by hand! Life would be a lot tougher.
Microprocessor-controlled devices mean that we have more leisure time to relax and enjoy ourselves instead of doing household chores.
We are able to communicate with people very easily using computers, mobile phones, etc. We can become part of online social networks, making friends with people from all over the world.
Computers and Internet connections mean that many of the tasks that involved us leaving the house, for example, shopping for music, clothes or food, can now be done on-line.
Online shopping gives us more choice of products and saves us time. It is also great from those who are unable to get out of the house easily, such as the elderly, or the disabled.
The effects on leisure time – microprocessor controlled domestic appliances such as washing machines, cookers, heating systems etc. do not need direct human control because they have timers, operating programs and safety checks built in. This means the user can leave them to complete their tasks so they have more leisure time.
The effects on social interaction – from the comfort of the home people can communicate in many more ways than the traditional telephone and postal service.
  • Email allows fast efficient communication with the ability to send files as attachments and email many people at the same time.
  • Online messaging allows users to sent text, images and files in real time, as well as communicate via voice and video.
  • Wireless phones and mobile phones allow interaction by telephone conversations from any room or the garden.
  • SMS (Short Messaging Service) text messages, images and video clips to be sent between mobile phones and computers.
Answer machines allow messages to be left for users who cannot answer the telephone.
Social interaction websites allow users to interact by leaving messages and adding comments to blogs. Users can also upload and share image and video files.
The effects on the need to leave the home – computers linked to the Internet have greatly reduced the need for people to leave the home.
  • Entertainment – music and games can be downloaded. Movies can be downloaded and this, along with Interactive digital television, means there is no need to go to the cinema or video rental shop.
  • Goods – these can be easily ordered from online stores and delivered to the home.
  • Food – takeaway food and groceries can be ordered online and delivered directly to the door.
  • Services – banking, ordering insurance and many other services can be carried out over the telephone or the Interent.

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